Sunday, January 6, 2008

Such a girl!!

Our dear sweet Hailey has just started this "cute" new thing...look at this picture of her and then imagine an ear-piercing scream!! She's discovered her voice and it's really getting old. We've tried saying "no", covering her mouth, and covering our ears and nothing seems to get the message through!! :) I guess it's gonna be a while before we eat in a restaurant again...

Such a stinker!! :)


Bridget Beth said...

I feel your pain.

Finn went through that stage...twice!

I think he forgot about it, then discovered his voice again. I nearly went INSANE!! People would ask, "Is he ok? Is he hungry? Does he need a nap? What should we do for him? etc." Nothing's wrong! He's just screaming!

Anonymous said...

Could she be any cuter! I don't know how you could ever be mad at her with all those adorable faces she makes.
We miss you guys Lisa

Life with me and my crew said...

Her faces are so cute!

COCO said...

Simply ADORABLE...

My son went through a "coughing" stage. I was sick one time and he started immitating me... then he would do it for attention.

Of course we were out eating once and he starts "coughing" EVERY waitress must have came up to me and asked if he was ok, I finally said he was faking and then they looked at me like I was crazy...

Love all of your pictures...

shawna said...

i love that fishy face!!