Monday, March 30, 2009

My thoughts...

So, I'm sure that with the exception of the person who wrote the nasty comment on my blog about my weight, you're all curious as to what that last post was about.

Let me just say this to you, though...

*I'm perfectly aware of the struggle I've had with my weight for the past several years. Thanks for shedding light on it for me, though. The excitement I have about having gained less weight this time around in my pregnancy is that I'll have less to work off after my son is born.

*The people in my inner circle love me for me...not how much I weigh or what size jeans I wear. You're clearly not one of these people, or you'd never post such a hurtful thing for all the world to see.

*God loves me...regardless of how much I weigh or what size jeans I wear...or anything else, for that matter.

*You probably have no clue what kind of medical issues add to my struggle.

*If you're someone who doesn't know me personally, what would make you so spiteful that you would say something like that on the internet? If you do know me, why wouldn't you either voice your concerns to me directly or keep your comments to yourself?

Thank you to everyone who came to my side...I love you all.

Going forward, no anonymous comments allowed. Feel free to post whatever you'd like and sign it. :)


The Davis Family said...

Love you Jessica are an amazing girl and anyone who knows you is BLESSED!! :o))

anne said...

Wow, I'm so sorry that someone would be so hurtful! It makes no sense. Obviously, they know how much fun you are and what a beautiful family you have. :) It makes sense that their jealousy would get to the point where they would have to search for something unkind to say.

I love you lots...and I'm not about to comment on anyone's weight. Have you seen me recently? :)

Bridget Beth said...

Why on God's green earth would someone do such a thing?? I can only imagine that they must be insanely jealous of you, Jessica. I think you are absolutely beautiful, inside and out. So sure of yourself and surrounded by those who love you. They must be a very miserable person to try to bring you down in such a petty way. And a coward to boot!

christy said...

I love you sister. Well said.

Our growing family said...

oh, that is so sad! Why would ANYONE comment on to a pregnant woman about weight??? Seriously?!? That's just not right. I hope you are doing ok...good thing you have Todd and Hayley to give you hugs and remind you of how much you are loved.
I hope you have a better day today!
We'll have to pray for the person who commented...they must really need the love and grace of our amazing Lord!
love to you!

shawna said...

wow. love you jess! sorry to hear that your blog turned into a portal for nastiness. i so enjoy reading up on that sweet girl of yours, along with what you and todd are up to and it makes me sad that someone would take advantage of this. you are an amazing, beautiful woman, mom, sister, cousin, wife, daughter and friend! i so admire you. keep your head up, girlfriend :)