Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's okay, Mommy...

Today was one of those days...Owen was uncharacteristically fussy, which in turn left even less of me for Hailey, which caused some pretty major outbursts from her, which made me grouchy, which made things worse...get where this is going?

I finally was at the end of myself, had finally gotten Owen to sleep, when Hailey walks out of the bathroom and starts yelling at me about her undies being on backwards and needing me to fix them. This woke her brother up. I proceeded to get all frustrated and angrily tell Hailey to "Come here!" so I could fix her underpants. I fixed her up and with the saddest face I've ever seen she hung her head and walked back into the living room. Oh, Jesus...what have I done to her??

As the tears welled up into my eyes I tenderly said, "Hailey! Come see Mommy for a sec"...to which she ignored me and continued walking with her head hung. I completely lost it and started crying like I've never cried before. Forgive me, Jesus, for being so impatient and angry with this sweet girl.

I could hear Hails walking back down the hall to see what I was doing, so I hurried to try and pull myself together. I lifted my head and she stopped in her tracks and in her little sweet helium voice she asked, "Mommy?? You cryin'??".

"Yeah, Hails...Mommy is sad. I'm so sorry I was talking mean to you. I just got frustrated and should not have talked to you like that. I love you. Will you forgive me?" Mid-sentence the tears came flowing again and my sweet daughter ran right into my arms. "Will you just hold me, Hailey? Mommy needs you to hold me." She obliged and stayed in my arms for probably the longest she ever had before.

"I dry your tears, Mommy," she said as she ran into the bathroom and grabbed some tissue. "You sad? Why you cryin'? I love you!"

It took me a bit to pull myself together, but her quick forgiveness fixed me right up.

Thank you, Jesus, for demonstrating your unconditional love through my sweet little 2-year old girl.


christy said...

aww.... what a sweet girl. Auntie has a couple tears herself. Don't worry Jess, you are a great mom. Everyone has those days. :)

Robin said...

That brought tears to my eyes, Jessica! What a wonderful mom you are- so many mothers wouldn't take the time to "make up" with their kids. Praying for you through this huge transistion. =)

The Davis Family said...

Totally crying Jess....you have a precious little girl and your transparency about your times of non perfection is pretty special too. Your an amazing mom!! Love you and praying for you!!

Christina Johnson said...

Yup, I'm crying too! You have such a sweet girl!

Peggy Campfield said...

I'm crying too. love you to pieces, and thanks for keeping it real...

Stacy K said...

Now I am crying. That is life. Bless you all.

Alicia said...

Tears are literally dripping onto the keyboard as I type this. I am in my office...and today is one of those days that I am glad I work in an office all by myself.

Love you J. You are an incredible mother, a fantastic sister but most of all you are one of my best friends!

shawna said...

wiping...tears...clearing...lump...geesh. so sweet.