Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Here are the pics of the dance class. Serious cuteness. And yes, she's wearing snow boots and a hoodie with her tutu. There was nothing delicate about the "clomp-clomp" sound as she pranced around the room.If blogger had published my pics in order, I'd have been able to put these pics at the end of the post, to show how in the last 3 minutes Hailey was finally warm enough to ditch the jacket and boots. And I'm pretty sure she had to go potty...oops! :/This was her favorite part of the class. A wand with a ribbon. Why didn't I think of that??
Here's Hailey "rolling down the river". She practices this at home a lot with her little brother.

I participated in the class for a while, myself. Good times.
What cute ballerinas!!
When we got home, Todd tried with all his might to persuade Hailey to take basketball lessons instead of ballet.

She wasn't havin' it. ;)


christy said...

This post made me laugh out loud! Tell Uncle Todd not to worry... we can get Case and Hailey in soccer lessons this summer!!

The Davis Family said...

Serious cuteness! :-))

Robin said...

So cute! I love the boots! Look at all those little girls huddled together! I was NEVER that cute in dance class- I was the one with the mis-matched bodysuit and leggings and a potbelly. :)