Sunday, March 21, 2010

Phase 2 of...

"Operation Organization"

So, we painted over the purple and moved Owen into the basement. We chose this really nice calming blue because I didn't want it to feel like a cave and the green in his old room was pretty dark. I am in LOVE with this much so that you will be seeing it in the upcoming "Phase 3". ;)
This skinny bookcase used to be in our living room...when we first got married. I never put 2 and 2 together and noticed that it's the perfect color for the nursery furniture. It works so perfectly to store all of the little bins for extra changing table stuff, as well as a few decorative accents.
All of Owen's clothes are organized into "fits" and "not quite yet". ;)

...more to come...


sarah said...

Does Owen really have 6 pairs of Converse?

The Davis Family said...

Turned out SO CUTE....I love it!! :)

A to Z said...

I really like the color!!!

J Yo said...

Sarah - yeah, he has tons of Converse...mostly hand-me downs, but we're a Converse kind of family. :)

Everyone else - Thanks!

Life with me and my crew said...

What a perfect little boy room!

anne said...

Lovin' this whole organization kick! You're speaking my language. :)