Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Livin' the Life...

My morning began with a nice dip in the pool, followed by some relaxing in this nice lounge chair with my mommy. We had fun.
Then after my nap, my pal Shayla and I set up camp by the pool in our pack 'n' plays. Ahhh...what a day. Now all I need is some dinner and it's off to bed for the night.
Could it get any better than this??


Christie said...

That last picture is adorable! You look like you are having so much fun :)

p.s. I stole your guestbook idea and linked you from my page, hope you don't mind!

J Yo said...

Thanks, Christie...we are having so much fun. And of course I don't mind! What are blogger friends for, anyways?? :)