Monday, May 3, 2010

We love you, Miss Hannigan!!!

This was me...

...all weekend.

We've had a house full of sickies, including Mama. I hate how impatient and grouchy I was all weekend. I promise you, though, I never called my kids "little pig droppings" once! Maybe Todd, but not the kids. ;)

Oh, day, I guess. I only pray I get through another day of sickness in my house with more grace. Thank you, Lord, for new mercies this morning!


christy said...

Oh no fun. I was the only one sick in this house over the weekend. Hope you guys are on the mend!

Life with me and my crew said...

Hang in there. Praying for healing (and patience).

The Davis Family said...

Funniest post EVER! :) Praying for QUICK healing!!!!