Hailey's new favorite things in the world are books, buckles and her baby doll. It's pretty fun to see...she especially loves to read books with Sesame Street characters in them...and lucky for me there's been an abundance of them in the dollar section at Target!! Her new fave is Dabby Abby (Abby Cadaby).
Then there's the buckles. She buckles this high chair and then says "help" louder and louder until you un-do them. It was really cute until she started almost figuring out how to un-buckle her car seat!!! :(
Last, but certainly not least, is her baby. It's my old cabbage patch kid...I got it for my birthday when I was 12...don't judge me.
Oops...she hasn't quite figured out that babies are fragile...here's her right after she dropped the baby on her head.
And she's off...this baby sleeps with her, she wraps it in a blanket, puts it in the high chair, and pats her buns when she's putting her to sleep. She even puts her finger over her mouth and says "Shhhh...". Adorable. I don't know what all these hints are, Hailey...mommy doesn't have any siblings coming for you anytime soon! :)