We got home on Saturday afternoon and it scares me to say that things haven't been all that difficult yet...I've heard some people say that the transition to 2 kids is the most difficult and others say the transition to 3 kids is harder (which we do not plan on experiencing! :) but for us the transition to 1 kid was the most stressful. So far, this kid is SOOO much more mellow than his big sister EVER was! That could be the newborn "sleeps all day" causing me to be naive to what's coming, but I'm hoping not. :)

Hailey LOVES her brother...it's so cute. She plays "peek-a-boo" with him, helps mommy get him diapers and such, and loves kissing him and putting her toys in his bouncy chair. :)
She also (as you can see) loves his car seat...

Here is our "going home" pic of Owen leaving the hospital. We were so ready to be home after 4 days there. I was so thankful, however, that they let me stay with him until he was ready to be discharged...he had several moments when he just needed me to snuggle him! On Fri night/Sat morning the nurse called me into the nursery several times because she couldn't get him settled, but the second I got there and snuggled him close, he fell asleep instantly to the sound of my heartbeat. Those are the moments that make me cry just thinking about it! My boy is so sweet...

And here are my 3 favorite people all snuggled together! Todd has been UNBELIEVABLE...he's so great with Hails, goes grocery shopping without complaint (and I mean BIG shopping trips), does dishes without being asked, and even wakes up when I need him to help in the night...which thankfully hasn't been too much. Owen's a good sleeper so far.

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and for all of this to get harder, but it hasn't yet. I don't know if it's because I'm more determined to be disciplined with my time right now or what... (I'm sure now that I've typed this I'll probably have the night from "you know where", but oh well... :)
We've been so blessed by the outpouring of love from everyone lately! We've had lots of visitors, help, and sweet well-wishes...all of us feel so loved.