*This fine ensemble was created by none other than my little diva. She's become very opinionated about her clothes lately. Yesterday morning she was downstairs for a long time and when I finally went to check on her she was wearing two pairs of underwear, a tank top, a t-shirt over it with one arm through the neck hole and attempting to put on pink and white polka dot shorts. I tried to get her to let me take a picture, but she refused.
*Yesterday my mom accidentally threw away this shriveled flower that Hailey had picked out of our yard for me. Hails caught her, had a conniption fit, and after they took a trip to Fred Meyer for dinner supplies I was presented with a DOZEN pink roses!! My daughter ran in the house, handed them to me and said, "I love you so much, Mama!!".
*Hailey recently staked her claim on this little dog that belongs to Owen and named him Tyler. As far as I know, she's never met a Tyler...
*This kid has been teething (one down, a whole bunch to go!), going through a growth spurt, and finally is over being swaddled. With all the transition going on, it's been a pretty sleepless couple of weeks, but I think we've turned a corner...YAY! :)
*My kids are so sweet to one another...Hailey absolutely loves to help take care of Owen and he is fascinated with his big sister. So cute.
Well, that's about it...happy November!!
Jess it is so much fun to hear how you and your little ones are doing. They are adorable! I love these little glimpses into your family. T
I swear, my cheeks hurt so bad from smiling so big while reading this post and seeing Hailey's outfit! I love it! She looks so happy and satisfied- from someone whose mom let her dress just like Hailey, I thank you for letting her display her fashion sense. If nothing else, it will make for a GREAT addition to her wedding slideshow. :) Oh, and love the bookcases- we have the same ones sitting in the garage, waiting to be moved back into the house.
I just love your kids. :)
Special, darling, amazing, fun, cute, precious & wonderful are just a few words that come to mind when I look at the blogs.
Love you all.
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