Firstly, Owen's big boy bed! I love how this room looks. It might be my favorite room in the whole house at the moment. It's just a happy place... :)

Here is my newly organized pantry! We've only lived here for nearly 2 months...and it was time to organize since I kept buying duplicates of all of my canned goods. ;)
Here is a picture of my dining room with my beautiful white mirror!! I just love it! We got it for a steal at a garage sale and then had a heck of a time figuring out how to paint it, but in the end just love how it turned out. The dining room is about to get a little makeover in the very near future. Very excited about that. :)
Speaking of this dining room makeover, were you thinking I was leaving these red snowflake chairs in here?? No sir. I'm going to make an attempt to re-upholster them myself. :/ Let's be honest, I'm probably going to have to call someone and pay to have them finished, but I'll give it the 'ole college try anyways.
Imagine this beauty with a fresh coat of glossy white paint and some new grey and yellow fabric on them. I'll let you know how it goes.
And I promise to keep making attempts to get some sort of kid pics up!