Here we are on day 3 of Hailey's latest sad...and of course yesterday she spent the day crying because she was cutting two teeth! :( Poor baby...
Last night, we kicked Daddy out of bed (so he could get sleep) and took over our's now full of kleenex, a pile of pillows on Todd's side (as to not allow the babe to roll off the bed) and graham cracker crumbs. (Don't judge was 5:45 in the morning and the only way she'd stop crying!!! :) She's been coughing every few minutes, her nose is running off her face, and that girl FLAILS in her sleep! She'd literally sit up in her sleep and then flop down right on my chest or jaw...if I believed in carma (which I don't) I'd say the past two nights were payback for kangaroo kicking my mom once while sleeping in her bed... :)
Pray for our sick little babe...and for her mama who is trying SO hard to be patient...I mean, it's not her fault that she's sick, but this whole house is so tired and ready for the sickies to pass!!
P.S. Sorry for the green text color...I was inspired by the color of the snot falling from Hailey's poor little nose... :)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
7 random facts...
Thank you, Robin, for "tagging" me to share 7 random facts about myself...I was tagged quite some time ago, and it's taken me this long to think of 7 things...and I won't lie, some of these will be discovered while writing this post. :)
1. I have NO internal clock...seriously...if my daughter didn't cry when she woke up, I'd sleep in until 2 in the afternoon. :)
2. My husband and I are the complete opposite of most couples...he sleeps in sweats and socks and I sleep in shorts and tank matter how hot or cold it is in our house! I can't fathom why people would EVER sleep in socks...sick.
3. I'm actually a pretty decent Wii bowler, but can't keep out of the gutter in "real life" bowling...I do love bowling, though...either kind. :)
4. I also have chipped my front teeth. I should clarify, one broke almost all the way off and the other one chipped. I was in elementary school (4th or 5th grade) and I was playing on the monkey bars. Not cool. I was very traumatized.
5. I got a Senseo single-cup coffee pot when we moved into our new house and I like it better than any other coffee on the planet! Seriously, sometimes Todd offers to get me lattes on his way home and I decline because I prefer my Senseo kind. For any stay-at-home mom this is the way to go! Less waste...
(just to clarify, though, I don't do morning workouts and usually don't shower until 2 or 3 in the afternoon...I could really use a morning routine like Robin's, but if you would refer back to random fact #1, you'll understand :)
6. I am a reality-show junkie! Dancing shows especially...and Dancing with the Stars starts tomorrow!! :)
7. I have a problem throwing away beauty products...I guess you could call me a beauty product hoarder, but I just worry that I might need it someday and then I'll have to buy a new bottle of whatever. I did, however, promise myself that when my new bathroom is finished, I'm sorting through everything and anything that I haven't used in a month will be purged. (I might need both my sisters to help me with this :)
Well, there you go...I never said they were interesting, just random facts. :)
1. I have NO internal clock...seriously...if my daughter didn't cry when she woke up, I'd sleep in until 2 in the afternoon. :)
2. My husband and I are the complete opposite of most couples...he sleeps in sweats and socks and I sleep in shorts and tank matter how hot or cold it is in our house! I can't fathom why people would EVER sleep in socks...sick.
3. I'm actually a pretty decent Wii bowler, but can't keep out of the gutter in "real life" bowling...I do love bowling, though...either kind. :)
4. I also have chipped my front teeth. I should clarify, one broke almost all the way off and the other one chipped. I was in elementary school (4th or 5th grade) and I was playing on the monkey bars. Not cool. I was very traumatized.
5. I got a Senseo single-cup coffee pot when we moved into our new house and I like it better than any other coffee on the planet! Seriously, sometimes Todd offers to get me lattes on his way home and I decline because I prefer my Senseo kind. For any stay-at-home mom this is the way to go! Less waste...
(just to clarify, though, I don't do morning workouts and usually don't shower until 2 or 3 in the afternoon...I could really use a morning routine like Robin's, but if you would refer back to random fact #1, you'll understand :)
6. I am a reality-show junkie! Dancing shows especially...and Dancing with the Stars starts tomorrow!! :)
7. I have a problem throwing away beauty products...I guess you could call me a beauty product hoarder, but I just worry that I might need it someday and then I'll have to buy a new bottle of whatever. I did, however, promise myself that when my new bathroom is finished, I'm sorting through everything and anything that I haven't used in a month will be purged. (I might need both my sisters to help me with this :)
Well, there you go...I never said they were interesting, just random facts. :)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What I've been up to...
my mommy got me a tent at Ikea...and I LOVE it!! It's perfect for playing peek-a-boo in... :)
I just love when it's nice out so we can leave the door open all day and enjoy the fresh air!
Here's me...just bein' cute... :)
I thought my cousin Case might like my tent, but I think he's too little still...
It's okay, Case...don't be scared...I've got your back... :)

Monday, March 10, 2008
whew...what a weekend?!?
You assume I'm going to write all about romantic anniversary dinners and surprise birthday bashes, don't you?? Nope! Just the Young Life Round-Up!!! :) No worries, though...I'm happy to share this weekend with this ministry that the Lord has allowed us to be a part of for the last 4 1/2 years!! I did, however, have lots of fun birthday things along the way - let me share the highlights:
- Breakfast at the Black Bear with Todd's and my folks
- Many fun gifts from Todd's parents, including my favorite new journal
- Lots of kisses from Hailey (I'm sure she knew it was my birthday :)
- My pedicure still looks perfect from when Aunt Lynn Honey took Christy and I for a little birthday pampering a couple of weeks ago
- MANY well-wishes from my blogger friends
- A surprise visit yesterday from Christy, who came bearing gifts - a frapuccino AND a "Shmeeps" kit (s'mores made with peeps, of course)
- Lunch after church yesterday with little Alicia (who's growing up and moving out)!!!
- One beautiful round of "Happy Birthday" sung by 400 Round-Up guests (thanks Sean and Steve...don't forget, revenge is sweet... :)
Thanks to everyone who made my birthday so special! :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
in five years...
We have...
- Purchased two homes
- GUTTED and remodeled one of them
- Had our first child
- Survived her first year :)
- Bought a business
- Successfully kept it running :)
- Owned 21 vehicles!!!! (this, of course, includes the 3 boats)
Wow...we've been busy! Here's to another 5 years, babe!
I love you!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
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