We have the kind of crib that turns into a toddler bed, so we finally decided that Hailey was old enough to start sleeping like a big girl. Please note the pillows lining the floor just beside her...she's already rolled out of bed once since I put her down. :)
I'm pretty sure this will wreak havoc on my whole getting to sleep in until 8:30 tomorrow morning, but I guess I'll deal.
In the words of my good friend Jenna, "don't grow up, Hailey"!!!
Update: Other than the one fall out, she did great! She even stayed in bed this morning when she got up until we came and got her! Good job, Hailey... :)
good luck!! let us know how it goes...how many times she gets up when you put her down at night and whatnot. though i hope she doesn't at all. :) what a cutie.
Whether she's in a crib or a big-girl bed, she's still totally cute! I love these pictures Jess!
Oh, I love her!! Way to go Hailey...how did the first night go? And is that a princess blanket?? Don't let her cousin see that she'll totally want one!! Miss you and Gabby can't wait to have sleepovers in her room with the big girls bed. xoxo
Lis - They totally have an Ariel one...it's on a certain "list" I'm making for Gabs. :)
I can't believe how precious she looks or how fast she is growing up.
Congrats, Hailey! (and mom and dad)...soon you'll be looking for her first car! ;)
wow, nice work. we need an update. Colson used to sleep in, now he gets up at 6, the stinker! she's adorable, and getting so big!
haha, and I love the pillow on the floor tactic.
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