Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

* I just got done peeling 8 lbs. of potatoes...I'm thankful I'm done with it! :)

* I just spent a wonderful morning with Hails...I'm thankful for her and her sweet heart!

* Todd is still out playing football with a bunch of his friends and Young Life kids...I'm thankful he gets to be a kid sometimes.

* I might be crazy, but I think I've already felt the butterfly-ish movements of our baby...I'm thankful for this new addition to our family!!!



CMC said...

Aaron and I just got done peeling about the same amount of potatoes too :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Jen Green said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for your comment. When I was in labor (before I left my house and went to the clinic) I was keeping myself distracted and I checked your blog. I saw the title before I read the post and said out loud...I hope it's that she's pregnant...and it was. I am so happy for you and your growing family (even though I technically have never met you). Maybe the Lord bless you and this pregnancy!!!!

shawna said...

it was so great to celebrate thanksgiving with you guys. i think the highlight (other than kicking todd's bootie in rummikub) was when haily kept saying 'oh my gosh' even when you told her to say 'goodness.' that flash of defiance was priceless. wonder where it comes from. OH, and when she said 'i love you shawna...this much!' melted my heart :)