Thursday, April 29, 2010

Miss Hailey...

This girl has once again taken several big steps in the direction of overall girlie-ness!!

Step 1: Her mommy-ing.
She recently got all packed up for a slumber party at Nana's house. We widdled her pile of items down to these two, but only after some fierce negotiation. She wanted to take her doll, dolly bathtub, dolly car seat, dolly pack n play, AND a huge diaper bag. Oh, and the pink, fluffy rolling bag for herself.
Step 2: Knowing the importance of Real Simple magazine.
She was reading Real Simple to "Big Lion" this morning. He learned some very important skills, like how to decorate the edges of a frosted cake with a clean hair comb and which top-rated mascaras can be picked up for under 10 bucks! Life lessons, I tell ya...Step 3: Her first Barbie doll!!!!!
This one is near and dear to my heart, mostly because during all of the years of my childhood there was never a day you wouldn't see Christy and my bedroom floor COVERED in Barbie stuff. Love it. Todd was pleasantly surprised to find that for modesty purposes this Princess Aurora Barbie came with a pair of undies permanently attached to her body. I mean, we don't want people to be uncomfortable at the sight of a totally naked Barbie, do we??

Now we just need to figure out a way to keep Princess Aurora's shoes out of the mouth of this guy -

Any suggestions?? :)


Life with me and my crew said...

Yikes, I forgot about all the little Barbie accessories. Good thing Gaby prefers boy toys. I'm sure it won't be long before Barbies are her thing but I'm not pushing it! You should get her a little caboodle to put all the barbie accessories in, that would be cute. Do they make those anymore?

Stacy K said...

I just want to hug and kiss them!!!!


I use to like to chew on barbies shoes myself so I am no help with that one.