Thursday, January 31, 2008


Tonight we had a Young Life leader meeting at our an effort to keep club on the "up and up", we checked out the list of banned games...let me give you the play-by-play...

Sean: Hmmm...the human flame-thrower...chubby-bunny...swallowing a tablespoon of cinnamon???

Todd: That sounds easy...I could do that...

Jeremy: No you couldn't!! Do you know how hard that is?

Todd: I'll do it right now!!

Jeremy: Good! Try it right now...

(Todd & Jeremy jump out of their seats and proceed to the kitchen where Todd tears through the cupboards searching for the cinnamon. He found it...)

Jeremy: How 'bout let's just try a teaspoon first.

Todd: Okay. (Todd then puts a teaspoon of cinnamon in his mouth. He tries to swallow it, but it cakes up in his mouth and he spits it out.)

Jeremy: OHHHHH!!! (Uses that guy laugh where they put their fist up over their mouth)

Todd: That wasn't that bad...we can't do that at Young Life?? What else could we use?

Jessica: I have cocoa powder...does it say you can't use cocoa powder?

Todd: No, let's try that!

Jeremy: Yeah, Todd...swallow a tablespoon of cocoa powder!

Todd: No problem.

(Todd puts a level tablespoon of cocoa powder in his doesn't go well...he chokes and gags and spits it out. This goes on for at least a minute. I have it on video.)

He can finally speak and his first words are, "Could we do this at Young Life???"

I'd love to report that the rediculousness ended with this, but it didn't. Sean tried it too. I also have this on video. :)


Anonymous said...

it was aaaawesome-



do not do that ever! Don't you people listen to O & A? E-rock almost died doing that!
cinnamon is not water soluble and will go right into your lungs!

Three Tree Photography said...

Hi again!!
I have to admit this is hilarious! I think our husbands would get along VERY WELL! I can't even remember all the crazy things he has eaten for a bet/youth kids...sticks of butter, cups full of goes on!
Please post the video! I could use a good laugh!

Anonymous said...

ATTA BOY! good go man - you'll get 'em next time.

You should try 5 soda crackers in 1 minute (no water etc)- almost impossible

ps-Todd could use a little cinnamon in his lungs - it might make his breath smell a bit better


Anonymous said...

5 soda crackers no prob- i'll do it next time your here.


J Yo said...

I would like to request that my husband refrain from any rediculous activities that could actually END HIS LIFE!! Geeze...thanks for the tip, Aimee... :)

Anonymous said...

ok - lets make it 10 you can't...