Thursday, January 24, 2008

Such a Fun Day...

I recently re-connected with one of my friends from jr. high and high school, Kendal. Now, I'm not telling you how long ago that was, but let's just say I have a certain double-digit reunion coming up this summer... :) It's been so fun getting to know her son Asa! He's 7 months and SOOO stinkin' cute...yesterday I got to watch him for the afternoon, and let me tell you...we had so much fun!

Let me also point out that while caring for TWO children, I folded 3 loads of laundry, did the dishes, made dinner, and managed to keep both of them alive and well...maybe I am ready to start thinking about another one soon?!?

Nah!! Maybe someday, but not today... :)


anne said...

Asa is super cute! (Well, Kendal is beautiful, so that's not much of a surprise.) He and Hailey make quite the pair...two cuties!

Life with me and my crew said...

Good job Jess! That's a big accomplishment with two kids under 1!

christy said...

He is adorable! Man.. Hailey is really going to have some options in a few years!

Anonymous said...

lol- so funny! and they look so cute playing together! now i know they won't always be angels... but at least we'll have pictures from when they were... =)