As per usual, Blogger messed up and put these pictures in the wrong order, so I'll tell you about our last few days backwards...this is Todd bringing Hailey in from the snow after maybe 3 minutes because the wind was blowing so hard in her face that she wasn't feeling it and hated being that cold.

Here's a picture from the 3 minutes they were out there. Her mittens didn't stay on. Bummer.

And here she is bundled up like a burrito. She could barely walk. :)

These snow days make for lots of time to kill, so we've been making breakfast a lot as a family. Here's Hailey stirring the french toast mix with her dad.

And here's Hailey stirring the waffle mix. She can eat two full-sized waffles! Crazy... :)
And here's the rest in bullet form:*SNOW!! It was fun at first, but now I'm going stir-crazy! I'm the kind of wuss who gets scared of the icy roads, so I guess I'm a self-made shut-in right now.
*Christmas Shopping - almost done!
*Wrapping Presents - almost done! My awesome husband ran to the store for me to get all my supplies I need to wrap all my gifts later when Hailey goes to bed. How nice will that be to have done?? (P.S. Christmas isn't until next Thursday, people!! I'm so proud of myself!)
*Trying to get creative with activities to break up the days at home. So far today we've played Play-Doh, busted out a new Little Mermaid toy for Hailey to play with, and had tons of time with books. I have no other ideas!!
*I'm actually starting to count down the days until our big ultrasound sometime on or around Jan 7th. I have NO idea what we're having, but want to know so bad! Thankfully next week I have a doctor's appointment and then Christmas, so there's some distraction from the waiting. :)
That's about it...really boring, but at least now you're informed...