Yeah, you read that right...I'm never taking Hailey to the grocery store again! :) Here's the "play-by-play" of our fabulous trip this afternoon...
*Arrive at the grocery store, as usual I walk in and grab the least gross looking cart. Hailey has other plans...she's found the "car carts" at Fred Meyer...
*After the most thorough wipe-down I could muster, we're off for our shopping. These "car carts" are not quiet. You know how sometimes you get that cart with the broken wheel that makes loud noises all through the store?? You know, the one that you trade even if it means transferring your purse, half of your produce selection and your child?? Yeah...they sound like that...
*I didn't notice that there was a seat buckle available until after Hailey tried lunging through the "windshield". I then buckled her. She's figured out how to un-buckle. Awesome. She also removed her shoes multiple times...
*The walk through the store wasn't too bad, except for the people staring at me after hearing the "beep-beep" of the steering wheel horn. I ignored their least she was content.
*We get to the check-out where I begin unloading my cart...the nice lady behind me informed me of the candy and batteries Hailey was putting into the "car".
*Once I got unloaded and put back all the candy...AND pushed the cart up between the conveyor belt and candy shelves, Hailey decided she would like me to hold her instead of being in the car. After the woman behind me puts her motorized wheelchair/cart in reverse, I backed out the cart and got her out.
*She won't stay beside me, wants me to hold her while squirming and refusing to sit on my hip, and when I attempt to put her in the front/normal child seat in the cart she LOCKS HER LEGS making it impossible for me to get her in and starts screaming. Awesome, Hails...
*I finally get through the line and it's my turn to pay...Hailey wants back into the "car", but it's inaccessible...she fusses some more...I can barely hear my total.
*We begin heading for the car...we're almost outta there...Hailey goes limp and won't walk...she wants in the "car".
*We get to my car and I begin to unload the usual routine is to put her in the car first and then load the car...this wasn't acceptable for Hailey...she would NOT get out of the "car". Fine...stay in there...
*I'm finished loading the groceries into my car and it's time to go. Hailey still refuses to get out willingly and I have to maneuver her out myself...forcefully...while she was screaming...
*On the way home (a 1.5-2 minute drive, mind you) she proceeded to take off her shoes AND socks in anger and scream...the whole way.
Never again, Hails...never again...