Saturday, January 17, 2009

And his name is...

Owen Garrett

After tossing around several great names, we've decided. The process of naming our son was even more difficult than that of naming our daughter! There's pressure...I mean, you need a good strong name for when he's an adult, but a name that fits sweetly for a baby. Easier said than done, my friends!

Now all that's left to do is patiently await Owen's arrival. I'm so anxious and excited to meet and snuggle him, but also trying really hard not to wish away these last few months as a family of 3. We have lots we'd like to do before we're parents of two just to show Hailey how special she is to Todd and I.

FYI: We reserve the right to make any last minute changes we deem necessary up until the day of our son's birth should we come up with a name that seems to suit him better... :)


CMC said...

I love it! Great choice :)

christy said...

I LOVE Owen (the name and the baby) since you guys first tossed it around years ago! Good choice. Can he just come now?? His auntie wants to snuggle him. :)

anne said...

I've always loved this name! When Ben and I talk baby names, this one always comes up. Great choice!

Anonymous said...

love it!

shawna said...

ditto keen! can't wait to meet sweet baby owen!

Christina Johnson said...

Very sweet! He's going to be such a doll!

Kara said...

Love it! It's a Torseth family name and I wouldn't be surprised if my bro uses it when he has kids. It's his middle name, my dad's middle name and my grandpa's name.

Stacy said...

Very good name choice! I'm impressed how quickly you decided!!

Kelly said...

That is a great name! We had the same problem naming Jake. We didn't like Jacob, but Jake isn't good for a lawyer or surgeon if he goes that rounte, so we upped the "grown up" on the middle name! Owen and Hailey sound really cute together!