Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Case of the Sillies...

Todd and I were tucking Hailey in tonight when she started this...

Hailey: Dear Jesus, I love you, bless Mommy, Daddy, Owen...

Todd: ...Grandma...Grandpa...

Hailey: Grandmath...Grandpath... (insert huge giggle here...from all three of us!)

Todd: Silly girl...now pray for Nana...

Hailey: ...Nanath... (giggle, giggle)...Papath...

Needless to say, the rest of prayer time took a little longer than usual, due to Hailey laughing at herself after she added a "th" sound to every name on her prayer list...then she had the hiccups...Todd had to get her a drink of water...you get the drift...

Goofy girl!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hhmm, has Hailey developed a case of stallitis so young?