Friday, May 29, 2009

Owen's first 60 hours...

What a roller-coaster of a time we've had transitioning to life with Owen...things started out great, but we've had a few hiccups along the way. While my labor went really well, the delivery was a bit of a OB discovered that Owen was "sunny-side up" and was concerned that this would cause it to be hard to deliver him. Pushing was pretty painful, and at the end his big shoulders got stuck and caused some concern for the doctor...apparently when this happens, the doctor has a window of less than 5 minutes to get baby out before there are real complications...including a risk of death! Thankfully he didn't tell me this until after Owen was safe in my arms. Let's just say without getting too "TMI" about it that this caused the last pushes to be excruciating and I'm in some pretty substantial pain even now. Totally worth it, though!

Here's my favorite picture of Todd with his son thus far...Owen loves to be cuddled, and we LOVE to oblige... :)
At about 2 this morning when the nurse was checking Owen's vitals, I asked about his coloring. We'd gone through a bout of jaundice with Hailey, so it was at the top of my list of concerns. Also, the severe bruising to Owen's head while being delivered, Hailey's history, and being breastfed put him into a higher risk category. She checked his skin and his blood and sure enough, his biliruben count was way critical and they started him on light therapy right away. I was heartbroken because this not only meant we weren't going home that afternoon, but I'd have to give my brand new baby to the nursery nurses to have him in the light bed ALL THE TIME. And I do mean all the time. I can nurse him for a maximum of 20 minutes at a time and then he's back in the bed. No one else can even hold him. We did, however, get encouraging news this afternoon that his levels had dropped very slightly and that the light therapy was working...PTL! The night nurse on duty now said she'd be really surprised if he wasn't well enough to come home sometime tomorrow, but we'll just have to see... :)
Yesterday in the morning my Papa Dale - Owen's GREAT-grandpa - came for a visit. He's the sweetest man around...

Here's Hails...proving once again that she's going to be one awesome big sister... :)

Tonight at about 3 in the morning, when called into the nursery to feed, Owen got pretty restless and fussy...he wasn't latching and we were having a hard time figuring out what he needed. I put him on my chest and he immediately calmed down and fell asleep. It was such a precious moment! He just needed his mommy and I was happy to just hold him there! (Thankfully this night nurse is very relaxed and turned her head while I held him for a bit :)

We're beyond words excited about the arrival of our sweet baby boy. Thank you, everyone for your prayers and encouraging words... :)


christy said...

What a sweet boy. We are praying, praying for him! We want him healthy and home. You have such a great attitude about all this Jess.

Ugh... I need Owen to get well because my arms are literally aching to hold him!!!

Christina Johnson said...

He's precious! We're praying too... He's got lots of snuggling to make up for and it's sounds like there are many willing to take on the task!

Kara said...

Jess, glad you guys are back home! Get well soon.

Lisa said...

Jess, you're amazing! Owen is beautiful...congrats Yost family!

KeriAnn said...

Jessica, Congratulations! So happy for you all!