I don't think anyone opened any gifts by themselves...Hailey was always there to lend a helping hand.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I don't think anyone opened any gifts by themselves...Hailey was always there to lend a helping hand.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Our Fun Snow Day...
We ate, did some sledding (not me, of course), ate, watched the Hawks game, ate, had lots of fun visiting, ate dinner and then went home. :)
My folks just re-did their big family room complete with comfy new couches and a gas fireplace, so it's cozier than it's ever been at their house.
All in all, one of the best snow days ever!
Friday, December 19, 2008
What's Been Up with Us...
As per usual, Blogger messed up and put these pictures in the wrong order, so I'll tell you about our last few days backwards...this is Todd bringing Hailey in from the snow after maybe 3 minutes because the wind was blowing so hard in her face that she wasn't feeling it and hated being that cold.
These snow days make for lots of time to kill, so we've been making breakfast a lot as a family. Here's Hailey stirring the french toast mix with her dad.
And here's Hailey stirring the waffle mix. She can eat two full-sized waffles! Crazy... :)
And here's the rest in bullet form:
*Christmas Shopping - almost done!
*Wrapping Presents - almost done! My awesome husband ran to the store for me to get all my supplies I need to wrap all my gifts later when Hailey goes to bed. How nice will that be to have done?? (P.S. Christmas isn't until next Thursday, people!! I'm so proud of myself!)
*Trying to get creative with activities to break up the days at home. So far today we've played Play-Doh, busted out a new Little Mermaid toy for Hailey to play with, and had tons of time with books. I have no other ideas!!
*I'm actually starting to count down the days until our big ultrasound sometime on or around Jan 7th. I have NO idea what we're having, but want to know so bad! Thankfully next week I have a doctor's appointment and then Christmas, so there's some distraction from the waiting. :)
That's about it...really boring, but at least now you're informed...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Todd Quote...
Me: Todd, stop speeding...let it go...would Jesus speed up and tailgate her back?
Todd: No, he'd bash her and then tell her about himself.
Me: Not so much...
Todd: Maybe He'd follow her home and then tell her about himself.
Me: Todd, we're not following her home to tell her about Jesus...just let it go. :)
You Stinker...
Hailey: Mommy tooterbug.
Me: Um, no...that was NOT Mommy...that was Hailey.
Hailey: Gabby tooterbug.
Me: Nope...Gabby didn't do it either...that was Hailey.
Hailey: Mason tooterbug.
Me: Nope...still you. Just own it Hails.
Hailey: Hailey tooterbug.
Me: yeah...
What is her father teaching her these days??? :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Happiness is...
Mocha Treat -
-1 Nestle Hot Cocoa packet
-1 small cup of decaf coffee (brewed fresh in my Sanseo coffee maker)
-topped off with a nice dollop of homemade whipped cream
Yum... :)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Calling all Generous People...
I'm helping put on a community Christmas party for some new friends. Our new middle school director here in Federal Way has been getting to know a large group of young kids that live close to the Young Life house. Some of them have become involved in the middle school ministry, but many of them are too young to participate. Leslie made a "pinky promise" to these younger kids that she'd do something special for them for Christmas...you know you can't go back on a "pinky promise"!!
One thing we're trying to do is to make sure that there are prizes for each kid there. We're expecting close to 50 kids...therefore we need 50 prizes! If you would be willing to spend maybe $5 and buy a gift for a needy kid this Christmas or have any questions on how you can get involved, please email me at jessicaannyost@gmail.com. You can either donate an item, funds or your time.
Thanks in advance for helping make this a special day for these kids!! We want this to be a day to remember. :)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas Cookies!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Kinda like "Where's Waldo"...
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Love for Her Cousins...
She looks at this picture and says, "Caser football popo!" (Popo is another name for buns in our house...)
Then she looks at this picture and says, "Gabby crying!!"
And lastly, this picture...and says, "Mason take a baff!"
She loves these kids...like CRAZY! :)
Miss you, cousins!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Miss Independent
Me: Okay, Hails...stand up and let's put your pants on.
Hailey: (while making no effort to begin standing) Hailey help you?
She proceeds to try putting her pants on by herself...to no avail.
Me: Can Mommy help you? (I reach for her jeans to help her pull them on)
Hailey: (SNATCHES the jeans from my hands and says firmly...) HAILEY DO SELF!!
Me: Okay, but can Mommy just help you?
Ten or so minutes passes by and my daughter is still as naked as she started. I'm going to need to start scheduling another 30 minutes just for Hailey's dressing rituals!!
How did this happen? She's just my little baby!?!
Friday, November 28, 2008
You know you're pregnant when...
Not cool. Glad Todd's not home. :)
I know they call it black friday, but this is just ridiculous...
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
* I just spent a wonderful morning with Hails...I'm thankful for her and her sweet heart!
* Todd is still out playing football with a bunch of his friends and Young Life kids...I'm thankful he gets to be a kid sometimes.
* I might be crazy, but I think I've already felt the butterfly-ish movements of our baby...I'm thankful for this new addition to our family!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Spillin' the Beans...
We are beyond excited about this new addition to our family on or around June 3rd. I think even Hailey is excited...when asked if she wants a brother or a sister she says she wants a monkey (thanks, Dad) but I think she'll be fine either way.
Well, that's our exciting news! Now I've just got to wait until the first week of January to find out what it is... :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
the sweet conversations between mother and daughter...
Mommy: "Hailey, guess what?"
Hailey: "Wuv you."
Mommy: "You're right! I love you!"
Hailey: "I wuv you too, Mommy!"
Mommy: "Oh, Hailey...that melts mommy's heart!"
Hailey: "Sorry."
Hails, you're too cute for your own good... :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
No Laughing Matter...

Well, he's back...with a vengeance...and Todd believes me now. His favorite time to "peck" away at our house, right outside our bedroom of course, is EARLY in the morning. Seriously Woody?? Find another house.
We thought he was gone when Todd "got him" with his bb gun, but he found his way back. I just read online that if I blast him with the hose, he might leave forever, but every time I go to grab the hose he catches on. Then about 10 minutes later he's back. I think he thinks he's gonna trick me...not so much, Woody!
I've moved the hose close to the door and it's all ready for him to come back. I'll keep you posted on the SHOWDOWN!! :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
How backwards is this???
Tonight I made bow-tie pasta with chicken and broccoli in a garlic sauce. Yummy, by the way...the dinner slump is officially over for now!
However, when Hailey saw the pasta she wouldn't eat it because she thought it was a butterfly.
We then proceeded to tell her, as usual, three bites and then she could be done. Todd had to hide her chicken and pasta in her broccoli!!
This kid is weird, but what else do you expect from the daughter of Todd Yost...the man who will only eat Lucerne brand cream cheese... :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Big Girl Bed...
We have the kind of crib that turns into a toddler bed, so we finally decided that Hailey was old enough to start sleeping like a big girl. Please note the pillows lining the floor just beside her...she's already rolled out of bed once since I put her down. :)
I'm pretty sure this will wreak havoc on my whole getting to sleep in until 8:30 tomorrow morning, but I guess I'll deal.
In the words of my good friend Jenna, "don't grow up, Hailey"!!!
Update: Other than the one fall out, she did great! She even stayed in bed this morning when she got up until we came and got her! Good job, Hailey... :)
Time Out, Peese??
As usual, I said, "Three bites of chicken. Then you can have more bread."
As I put the chicken to her mouth she says, "Time out??"
No, Hailey...you can't choose a time out instead of your chicken.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Oh, the Duggars...
TLC, bravo on your decision to give this family their own reality show...
It's like a trainwreck...I can't stop watching.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Dinner Slump...
Keep in mind that Todd is a carnivor!! Our dinner always must include some sort of meat.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and help in saving the future of my family...if I try serving tacos again, he really might go insane... :)
(P.S. I googled "Betty Crocker" thinking I might find a nice picture of a housewife serving some dinner...instead I found a very inappropriate picture of a woman wearing some sexy lingerie and an apron. Todd doesn't understand why I don't post this picture. You're so rude, Todd.)
Friday, October 31, 2008
"Ips" - Chapstick please...
"Mommy read do." - Will you read this book to me Mommy?
"Dora Boots??" - Can I have my Dora cup?
"Todd???" - Daddy??
"Nigh-Night??" - Will you put me to bed, Mommy??
"Poo-Poo Potty??" - Will you let me sit on the potty?? I may or may not get anything accomplished on there, but I'd like to sit on it anyway.
Happy Halloween!!
*Laundry...and LOTS of it
*Multiple requests to watch Psalty...we're limiting this to once a day...for mommy's sanity
*Teaching Hailey to have a "thumb war"...she's actually pretty good at it :)
*A spaghetti dinner (is it just me, or is this the BEST dinner for Halloween??)
*Trick-or-treating later with Caser
*More laundry...did I mention I have LOTS??
*Todd working... :(
I know, I know...how do we contain ourselves around here?? I couldn't tell you, but we're having fun all the same. :)
Oh, and an update, our big Halloween bash on Monday night was GREAT! There were between 80-90 kids just busting out of the basement at the YL house. We had a really good time...thanks to all of you who prayed for us!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Paises, Mommy...Paises!!"
In case you hadn't figured it out, in Hailey-speak "paises" means praises and she can not get enough Psalty!! She goes completely crazy when she sees Charity Churchmouse...and loves the Churchmouse Choir! It's so seriously cute, but SUCH a blast from the past! I mean, have you watched it lately? Those hairdoo's are straight out of 1985! :)
It's so worth it, though...I'd much rather her beg to watch "paises" than anything else. :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
On a light-hearted note...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I have a quick question/comment - I was wondering what blogger land/Jess's blogger buddies thought. Is all this talk of who we should vote for not wasted enegry when we live in Washington and last time I checked, all that counts are electoral votes in an election. I really have a hard time seeing why we should even vote when we know that our state is totally left wing and the Republican party has never even been close to getting WA or OR votes.
By the way, this does not mean that I'm not going to vote.
Also something else - I was thinking why are there even Democrats and Republicans? Why can't the people running just be Americans and that's it? No associations - then we as voters can vote soley based on who the person is and what they stand for, what their goals are, etc... I don't know, but I think sometimes people don't pay enough attention to those to things, and are so locked in to their party and having the label of Democrat or Rebulican.
I say get rid of it.
Your thoughts???
P.S. The reason that this is only the second post by Todd in over a year is that this took over a half an hour for me to write...I'd rather be on Wakeworld...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
We not only elect a president based on his plans for our country...we elect a man based on his character.
View this video and tell me (respectfully) how you feel about "I have two daughters, and if they made a mistake I wouldn't want them punished with a baby."
I understand the need for education, but this issue will still come up whether people are educated or not.
I will stand before God and give an account for my vote in this election.
I won't vote for a president who doesn't believe life begins at conception.
I'm aware that this isn't the only issue. There are many.
I'll still vote for this guy.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Psalty the Psongbook

This post is really meant as a shout-out to Shawna, Christy, and Alicia...oh, and my mom and aunt Stacy who put up with the countless hours that this tape played...I'm surprised it still works to be honest.
Hailey is officially a Psalty fan and a Sensational Servant. She clapped and cheered through this whole movie.
Oh, and Todd knows all the words to the songs too.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Whew...what a week!!
This morning I woke up feeling pretty crummy, but after my shower felt like a new woman. I even ventured out to the grocery store before 9 and cleaned out my fridge (I found some salad dressing from '07...oops).
Now I'm ready for my nap.
The saddest part of this whole thing is that I spent the last sunny days of '08 cooped up in bed! Oh, well...I'll see the sunshine again some other time I suppose.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
books, buckles and babies...
Hailey's new favorite things in the world are books, buckles and her baby doll. It's pretty fun to see...she especially loves to read books with Sesame Street characters in them...and lucky for me there's been an abundance of them in the dollar section at Target!! Her new fave is Dabby Abby (Abby Cadaby).
Then there's the buckles. She buckles this high chair and then says "help" louder and louder until you un-do them. It was really cute until she started almost figuring out how to un-buckle her car seat!!! :(
Last, but certainly not least, is her baby. It's my old cabbage patch kid...I got it for my birthday when I was 12...don't judge me.
Oops...she hasn't quite figured out that babies are fragile...here's her right after she dropped the baby on her head.
And she's off...this baby sleeps with her, she wraps it in a blanket, puts it in the high chair, and pats her buns when she's putting her to sleep. She even puts her finger over her mouth and says "Shhhh...". Adorable. I don't know what all these hints are, Hailey...mommy doesn't have any siblings coming for you anytime soon! :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i know, i know...
My first week of Bible Study Fellowship...I used to say that I'd NEVER do BSF, but God had something else in mind for me and I'm loving it so far...it's a study of the life of Moses...
Went to Malibu's Women's Weekend and had such a good time! It was the perfect refresher for the upcoming year. Thanks to Todd for taking such amazing care of Hailey while I was gone! :)
Our office is done!! We just moved both of our desks into the new office we built where our carport used to be (and by we I mean Todd)...it's beautiful. I'll post pics when it's not a disaster of paperwork and boxes.
I've just started eating a gluten-free/low sugar diet based on my nutritionist's assumption that I'm allergic to it. So far so good, but it's certainly a new challenge not eating any wheat or sugar...
Now we're in full swing with Young Life starting back up! We'll be planning on Saturday and having our first club here in about two weeks...keep YL in your prayers!!
Well, that's all...I'm pooped! Hope everyone has had a great September thus far!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
our future baller...
This picture is a little grainy, but I love it...
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
the rest of my playlist...
-Lucky, Colbie Caillat & Jason Mraz
-Lullaby, Dixie Chicks
-Viva la Vida, Coldplay
-New Soul, Yael Naim
-Don't Stop Believin', Journey
-Just Dance, Lady Gaga
-Mercy, Duffy
-Forever, Chris Brown
It's quite a mix...I swear I do like some good music!!
burnin' up...
Friday, August 22, 2008
crafty christy...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
hailey's shoe obsession...
I think it's sort of a rite of passage for every little girl to become obsessed with her mother's shoes...I don't think every girl loves putting on her daddy's work boots. Silly girl.